How to make Beef Stock
1 head of garlic, peeled
2 medium onions - cut up
4 bay leaves
Tbl dried thyme
3 stalks celery with leaves, cut up
3 cut-up carrots
8 sprigs fresh parsley
10 black peppercorns
4 lbs. meaty soup bones (short ribs or beef shank crosscuts) OR save scraps of beef, including bones, in the freezer until you have 3-4 pounds of scraps.
Put beef on rimmed baking sheet and roast at 400 until meat is well browned and fat is cooked out. You can turn a few times, but it's not essential. This may take close to an hour, depending on how big the pieces are.
The Vegetables can be added raw to the stock pot with the beef, or they can be cut up and roasted at the same time as the beef if you like. It makes for a deeper, richer flavor.
Fill large stock pot (12 quarts or bigger) half full of water. Add browned beef, bones and all, celery, carrots, garlic, onions, Bay leaves, Thyme, Peppercorns and Salt. Simmer on low for 3-4 hours, adding more water as needed so pan is always full. After a few hours taste, add fresh Parsley Sprigs and correct seasoning if needed.
After 6-8 hours, remove pieces of meat and vegetables and skim off sediment. Strain stock through colander. Then strain through cheesecloth, fine mesh strainer, or yogurt strainer. If you can, strain it into a fat separator to remove fat, or you can remove the fat by cooling the stock before you freeze it.
Put strained stock back into saucepan and simmer over medium high heat until reduced. I usually reduce it by about half, but taste to see when the flavor seems right to you.
Pour reduced stock into freezer containers. Cool on counter top for about an hour. If you didn't use a fat separator, cool in refrigerator overnight and remove fat in the morning before freezing. If you used a fat separator freeze stock as soon as it is slightly cool.